this is a virtual variation on a game itchy and used to play in brunnie. one person hides a cockroach and the others have to guess where it is. clues given at reasonable intervals. the winner gets to hide the cockroach next (if the winner doesn't have a blog i'm happy to host, or i'm sure itchy would too). you would be surprised how vindictive a nice game of hide the cockroach can be. enjoy!
previous guesses include:
that weird guy who denounces psychology on swanston st?
doing laps of the deep fryers at TBs
up the skirt of the hula hoop guy on the swanston/bourke corner?
In AP's coffin?
in the mouth of one of the three statue guys on the cnr of bourke/ swanston?
hiding amongst the chocolate frogs in haighs
in that hideous all singing, all dancing clock near the shot tower?
and the actual answer was:
my cockroach is indeed with the south american band at the Vic market. Currently he is trying to convince them to let him be a stand in pan pipe player, but all he can play is 'la cucaracha', so it's unlikely he will fulfil this dream.
in the sporran of the "Highland-Cathedral"-playing Ballarat Grammar boy?
in the house of the rising sun?
up your large and roomy five star nostril ?
fabulous guesses, all! but not quite. and my nostril is not musical! i resent that.
singing 'waltzing matilda' by the banks of that billabong?
walking across abbey road behind the beatles?
heh. i like. but no.
(is it too soon for a clue? it's hard to judge. and i don't want to constrain yr inventiveness.)
it can only walk if it has bare feet/paws.
ooh! sitting on a ridiculously high fold out chair in the middle of a port fairy concert?
see the last game, re feet. perfectly formed, human shaped hands!!!!
I'm not joking!
ooooh, vindictive! noice! (but no)
neither wikipedia nor googleimage backs up this claim. i wanna see a picture, kid.
under that e-flat that always sticks on Ludwig's pianoforte?
starting an infestation in the Heartbreak Hotel?
or the Chelsea Hotel?
or Hotel California?
what a wonderful range of guesses! i will reward you with your first clue:
the cockroach is within a song
gah! an infuriating clue!
in maxwell's silver hammer?
it's a lovely clue, thankyou very much.
yes, smushed on the silver hammer. no, sorry, but i do like the image.
can we at least have a genre clue?
my head is imploding with all the possibilites.
i don't think it's fair to give another clue until all the participants have seen the first one. sorry.
be patient, young jedi.
do you think i'm hogging all the goes?
i can live with the guilt.
so, falling down through a burning ring of fire?
doing the timewarp?
keeping the wolf at the door company?
at a bar down in old Soho, where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola?
very nice!
okay, it's been 24 hrs and we only have a week to solve this problem, so here is another clue (sorry grotty!)
think angst
no - it's not working - i thought angst and nothing happened
is it in a hip young thing song i couldn't be expected to know?
that's my guess - if the answer is yes, I WIN!!!!
no, no, this is a game *everyone* can play.
okay, so that wasn't such a helpful clue. um. okay, mid-90s angst, from my (new) home country.
canadian mid 90s angst? i don't know any Canadians apart from Ani D, and I'm assuming it's not her.
poos and wees.
actually, i didn't know this person was canadian until i pandora-searched them to check the year. so you may safely ignore that bit for the time being.
in alanis morisette's pocket?
YES! you are so clever! you are THE BIG WINNER!
the cockroach is in alanis morisette's pocket, along with her hand.
i wish i understood
is this familiar? i thought you would remember alanis, that's why i picked it.
"hand in my pocket"
And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
What it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxicab...
too long ago
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