lookit my radish! it's huge! unfortunately it's only the plant bit that's huge - see the little stubby red thing at the end? that's the radish. le sigh. possibly the phd of the soil is wrong - the balance that encourages leaf growth rather than root growth. anyways, i'm going to let the other plants grow out and harvest their seeds to try again with different potting mix.

there's lots of lovely fresh food around. see my haul from the farmer's market! yep, that's fresh strawberries! and brie! yum yum yum! up the back are cucumber and basil plants, so i can try again, my attempts to grow them from seed having failed miserably. i've put the basil in the window box and the cucumber in a 10L fetta bin on the back verandah. you should see the tomatoes i've got growing on the back veranda too! i spent half an hour out there last night staking them and pinching off the new plants they keep trying to put out. concentrate on fruit, now, kids!

the african violets are still blooming wildly, which makes me feel better about the gum tree and so forth keeling over.
life is good. lots and lots of working, but i've got into a pattern now. i hate the esl less and find the bike shop less tiring. i have, predictably, fallen in love with a bike. don't you think a girl *needs* a nice commuter bike once in her life? especially one obtained with a staff discount?
What type of shiny new bike?
oh dear - you've been spambotted!
death to berto
bbb, see yr email.
grotuhachi, but how can you resist those big googly eyes? so cuuuuuute!
you look hot in your overalls.
i agree with gauri, the farmer joe photo is totally hot.
thankyou, adoring fans! it's the overalls, isn't it? or the reece plumbing shirt? i am so damn butch i can barely cope. . .
you must have the african violets in the perfect spot - they look v happy
remember grandma peg used to have them on her kitchen windowsill/
overalls are sooo eighties - what a shame I threw all mine out
oh-oh can-a-da-----aaaa
('blue' is still our fave album)
well, it's funny, they sat there for the better part of a year and had no flowers at all, and now have suddenly burst into bloom. i think they're probably getting enough light now it's a bit warmer. they're on the bathroom windowsilly - nice and damp, but little light through the frosted window.
overalls v. comfy for gardening and dog walking. also they eliminate the crack-pant issue when cycling. . .
in melb, it is always said that affy viols should be on an eastern windowsill
these are northern facing, but the house next door is about six feet away, so they don't get much direct light that way.
ta for canada singing. very evocative.
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