the weather was lovely for this one day, with beautiful clouds roiling over the sails on canada place:

i also ducked into macleod's, a fabulous second hand bookshop. there's a main floor and a basement just crammed full of books, piled on the floor, stacked two-deep on the shelves and balanced up to the ceiling. i tend not to go there too often cos i always come out with a pile of books, but i just got my tax return, so i figured it was okay. and look what i found!

it's the most fabulous book all about the life and art of maurice sendak, with lots of great reproductions of his work and some interesting commentary and biographical detail. there's a photo of him as an infant, and he looks just like a cranky goblin.
i do love reading.

pretty blue sky
b and i just returned from freezing blue sky then silver moonlight sky near canberra - golly II performed well
i am marking pic books for end of semester
you haven't happened to receive anything nice in the post lately have you? it's been a couple of weeks now, hope it hasn't got lost!
woops, just got your email. YAY!!!!!!
are you still working 6 days a week? 6 and a bit to go for me! woo!
can we do lots of lazing about at cafes when I'm there? I do miss that about my pre-fulltime job lifestyle.
you must come home immediately
i am very attached to your precious fat baby feet ...
i am boring with this post
dear grotmesiterjirahari,
isn't it a good sky? it's always so startling when the sky goes blue here - twice as pretty cos novel.
glad golly II is good. will you get a second doll-golly too?
how were pic books?
what are you going to do with my feet? that's kind of creepy, grotty. remember that bit in "the time traveller's wife' where he dreams that he finds his feet in the collection room in an archival box, all pink and wriggly?
ps. i very sorry you bored. i will be update blog very soon.
YES! huzzah!
so pretty so pretty! *dances*
i am still working six days a week. i've adjusted now and am on iron supplements so have more energy. unfortunatly time for lazing round in cafes is short, but i always make the most of it. there are a wide range of local cafes to choose from.
how many weeks now?
the feet stuff refers to the news that they found a SIXTH foot on the beach at Vancouver Island
tho that one turned out to be a fake, the OTHER FIVE were real, amputated feet!!
dont' pretend you don't know about it - i don't need protection - iam old and know the wicked ways of the world
i love your blog!
thankyou, mysterious human!
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