it's that time of year again. here i am wearing woolen hoodie (hand-me-down from eleanor), scarf (present from chicory's human from turkey), woolen arm warmers (crocheted by miriam) and rain jacket (hand-me-down from nimmersatt - it is perfect!). i've broken out the long socks and my woolen singlets. the leaves are all turning, which is beautiful, even though they signal coming darkness and coldness and dampness.
life is a bit rough at the moment. i am house hunting (boo-earns!), putting in a major scholarship application (drafting and re-drafting my proposal), keeping up with my usual coursework and still trying to make new friends and negotiate a new campus. still, the stupid application goes in on monday, eleanor and i are checking out an apartment tomorrow afternoon, and on sunday i'm going to a party called "dead werewolves play pingpong and swap trousers".
here's some pictures i've been meaning to post for ages. i found out that most garlic available commercially in vancouver is shipped from china. i think that's absurd and disturbing, so next farmers' market i invested in a beautiful garlic plait made from locally grown, hand-plaited garlic:

(one is mine, the other is miriam's.) i have mine hung up in the storage room and hope it will see me through at least a chunk of winter. plus, pretty!