have embraced the hippie/yuppie reclaiming canning, gardening and craft movement. the wool is hand spun by a feminist collective in uruguay, and my needles are bamboo.
knitting is so soothing, though, and embodies a number of nice metaphors; knitting through mistakes, joining separate things into a coherent whole. i've taken to knitting through tutorials, and counting the stitches is meditative, allowing me to participate in discussion calmly instead of snapping at the um . . . difficult people in my theory class . . . yes. i also enjoy the feeling that i'm participating in a tradition of the women in my extended family. that would include you, grot and jt.
the green bit is wool from eleanor, and is what i knitted first. you can see where i ran out of wool and started knitting back in the other direction, unpulling the original as i went. it was about process, not product! the orange, blue, brown, purple one if the scarf i'm working on now. see the pattern i made up! i'm so in love with the wool. it feels beautiful.
i'm going to a stitch and bitch tomorrow with eleanor and winifred. winifred hates doing crafts, but says she is good at bitching. *snorts*
this is so cool !! i love your scarf. i am rubbish at knitting.
That scarf don't look like beginners' work to me.
Yay for you and your knitting! HF
That wool looks beautiful. Love the colours. I'm about to start knitting the big girl a long cardigan in alpaca wool from Beeechworth. Pity she wants chococlate brown, I'd rather knit purple or red!!
I've got heaps of patterns. So let me know what you have in mind. A beanie wouldn't be that hard, if you followed the instructions, and it wouldn't take forever. Good to practice on. You will be the only one amongst your generation that has taken up the art!!!
Lots of Love
thankyou! i don't belive you are rubbish at it - it's not hard! or at least the kind of knitting i'm doing is not hard. i only know two stitches. but so pretty!
nimmersatt - well, it's kind of wobbly about the edges, and sometimes there is holes in the middle. but you can't see that when it is all wrapped about someone's neck. and i have very enjoyed the process.
yay for you too, hardfarmer!
isn't it? i love the purples that spring up to surprise me. and it feels lovely and soft, too. i looked at alapaca wool, cos i love that red scarf you made me so much, but alapaca is pricey. maybe next time.
the long cardie sounds lovely - send me a pic when you finish and i'll post it.
ooo, lots of patterns! i will have a think about what i would like to do. i don't know how to read a pattern - is it hard?
a beanie would be fun. yes, i'd like that.
really? the only one? boo!
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