cass got a bike! it is a sweet norco mountain bike with front disc brakes and suspension.

here's me at halloween, before my armour got all soggy at critical mass.

i am a widow's son outlawed and must be obeyed!

my final harvest at my old house. the tomatoes were starting to rot on the vines so i picked most of the green ones and have been slowly windowsill ripening them over the last few weeks. the tiny carrots were delicious!

i've started doing a bit of drawing again. isn't this long notebook fabulous? i'm very pleased with this drawing of autumn leaves.

and a great example of an autumn leaf! this is a big leaf maple - hand for scale.

i've gone on a couple of nice hikes on the north shore recently. here's the river running through lynn canyon - near where we all went swimming in august. there's no way i'd hop in the water now!

as you can see, i have developed my winter pallor already . . .
i appreciate the attention to detail on your armour - the curving rivets and the uneven privates protector
lovely drawing - that could be a curtain design as it is
have been thinking about such things - took Grandma's director's chair to be re-leathered as it had split, and looked at William MOrris fabric for my pink chair - $198 per metre and need at least 5 metres, so probably not
thanks! i was working from images i found on line, so there's even a few bullet holes on there.
a curtain design? not a framed work of art to hang on your wall and treasure forever?
soft furnishings are expensive, huh? we have a sheet over our couch to hide its Xtreme ugliness. it does the job.
Ugh. I am ill. :0(. (I think that full stop is a zit). Thank you for posting, it has cheered me up. It looks so beautiful there. Why the hell am I doing winter in this country again?
wanna swap? i would much prefer to be in london right now. but yes, the mountains very pretty.
sorry to hear you're crook! i hope the hardfarmer is making you soup.
feel better soon.
lynn canyon. i would like to go back there and see the mists.
yay for beautiful talentaed daughter!!!!!!!!!
the mists are very pretty, itchy.
yay for lovely father!
*feels special*
wowww that drawing is delicious !
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