it even snowed earlier in the week:

i'm into week four of "spring" semester. my classes are okay. one is a hard core theory class where we talk about hermeneutics, mostly. i'm enjoying that a lot. the other is about visual culture studies, which is kind of driving me batty, but still has potential. last week i was so frustrated i nearly knitted a whole mitten!

i finally got off my bum and started doing PD stuff. i got two papers accepted for conferences! i'm giving two presentations at uni next week! i got a comic published! i'm knitting a hat shaped like a fish!

that's really it for my news. i spend a lot of time making To Do lists and muttering "knit three, knit two together." oh, and six feet under. did i tell you i discovered six feet under? droooool . . .
lots of v.g. maillove recently, including these snazzy valve-caps from DDD, which totally match the colour scheme of my bike:

We expect snow on Sunday. And monday and Tuesday I hear. But the days are gettin' longer! just tried to phone you but you were out having fun!
mittens !!
eee! snow!
it's supposed to get v. cold again here next week.
i got your message. thankyou - i feel loved. i was out having fun at a cafe on the drive (read: trying to do study).
the hat fish loves you and wants to have your babies.
Tell us more about your comic then! Photo?
Heaviest snow in London for nearly 20 years. Got the day off work and all! (They don't have snow ploughs!)
Love that photo!
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