so uni started again. i'm tired! i'm also sick again (booooooooring), which isn't helping the tired. my classes seem okay so far, and it's very nice to see my uni friends again. my little posse went out for brunch on the weekend, and bitched. it was sweet. i have a gilbert and sullivan play and a jug band concert to attend now (we're a talented bunch).
Hey, beautiful socks and stripes too! You've learned yourself knitting very quickly and are very clever!!! I've never knitted socks, so haven't had the satisfaction of a well turned heel!!! You know who will love the pink ones - we'll never hear the end of how wonderful you are.
We won't be neeeding thick socks for a little while longer - it was 42 degrees yesterday. Too hot even for me!!
i have a book called _Hip to Knit: 18 Contemporary Projects for Today's Knitter_, which has step-by-step, knitting for dummies type instructions - just what i need! thus:
a friend pointed out that is perhaps trying to hard, using the words "hip", "contemporary" and "today" in the title. . .
stripes are tricky. have you ever felt the urge to try socks? if you follow the instructions the turning is not hard, just fiddly.
yes, sorry, i realised you will never hear the end of it!
42? yuck! it's 7 here. very pleasant, but grey.
wow, socks! i've always wanted to try. . .can't turn out worse than that lumpy shapeless jumper i knitted when i was 18. . .
you rock the needles!
two sock nancy !!! that is a bit decadent.
i do rock the needles! i made mittens! they have holes and lumps!
now i'm three and a half sock nancy (ran out of pink wool)!
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