Monday, September 22, 2008

also for itchy


Anonymous said...

my first thought was "how did she get that photo of me'!!

i could send you the one this reminds me of, but would have to fidn it and scan it, so too hard

also looks like JT

gumtreefid farmer said...

heh. i thought that too! would be great if you could post your photo. you have better glasses than me.

i hadn't thought of the jt thing. will look again.

Anonymous said...


so you DO still look at my blog!

gumtreefid farmer said...

i thought you could tell through your inbuilt microphone technology?

Anonymous said...

well, you know how mouth breathers all sound the same. . .


Anonymous said...

You look fabulous! ;) perhaps the long necked 'sweater' is a look to adopt for the coming canadian winter?
xo vta

gumtreefid farmer said...

itchy - ooo, low blow!

gumtreefid farmer said...


thankyou dearie! i will think about your fashion advice. shall i grow my hair too?

Gauri said...

hehehe !! that's so funny.

Anonymous said...

I did think it was grot at first too!