Tuesday, June 09, 2009

more knitting. . . oh, and a cute baby!

see that hat? isn't the tomato hat adorable? i made it!

haha! well, i did make the hat, but our friend 'ten made the baby, and that is way more impressive. isn't she cute? with big blue eyes? and a big grin? oh, so cute!

she makes my knitting look excellent.

love to 'ten and baby and baby's daddy.


grotanurra said...

very cute!

nanny was enjoying her pink socks today - they had snow around melb and albury was v cold too

gumtreefid farmer said...

excellent pseudonym, grotanurra!

glad nanny likes them. i imagine they are excellentwarm.


nimmersatt said...

definitely an excellent hat!!!! ANd a most excellent baby, I agree. I have plans to meet said baby in the not too distant future!