we took lion's gate bridge again - so, so beautiful. this is the view north:

and here's cass with the view north-east (and that's her opinion of critical mass):

we rode through stanley park too, with the big big trees. it smelt really good, all earthy and green. i miss that smell.

and here's me in my fairy-wings, helmet-moustache and earwigs. the earwigs are a new toy - they're polyprop material with velcro inside, so you just slide them up the straps of the helmet and they stay there and keep your ears lovely and warm. fabulon.

cass, m and i ducked off after a couple of hours and got gelati (yum!). there was more of a police presence at this ride than others i've been at - on bicycles and motorbikes. it was interesting, not sure how i feel about it. they did some good work corking at intersections and stepped in when motorists tried to ram through the ride.
after i rode home from downtown i was completely wiped but very happy. today i've been doing the "document your day with photos" thing, which has been fun. i'll show you the results soon. it's been a v. busy day, so should be interesting. but that post might have to wait til next week cooooooooos . . . miriam and i are hitting the island tomorrow morning and won't be back for 4-5 days. huzzah! expect photos of water and trees and stuff.
love to all.
i expect fotos of melting polar bears and battered baby seals (with chips and tartare sauce)
have fun
Hope you're having fun on the island! Check yer email when you get back!
awww, cycling around van together...
*is jealous*
dearest, i got the postcard with the bunny on't.
AWESOME!!!! Thankyou! you must take me to this market of which you speak.
speaking of which, 15 weeks to go! (i think)
thankyou for the card and letter !! xx
grotajira - i saved the grusome stories for my next post. i got a great shot of a moose snowboarding into a tree.
or something. . .
nimmersatt - thanks, i did! ta for lovely email. v. cheering.
tine - *blows raspberry*
you should come visit me!
itchy - glad you enjoyed it! i heart crafts is only on every so often. they have a blog - you should keep an eye on it.
gauri - yay!
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