aaaaaaaand the question for today is "Is this a lemon-scented gum sprout or a weed?" it comes from a pot with lemon-scented gum seeds in, but that's hardly conclusive. it is growing veeeeery slowly, which is a point against it being a weed. it doesn't smell like anything yet, and it's too small for me to smush a leaf and check the scent that way.
also, look how happy my tomatoes are!
cassandra and i went down kits yesterday looking at all the pretty things. i bought a cupcake and some nice books, which i shouldn't have, really, cos i got my final grades in yesterday and am now officially unemployed. aargh!
it looks more like a gum than a weed, in my inexpert opinion
I have a feeling it's not a lemon scented gum. Not that I can really tell from the other side of the world!
You dont need to set the lemon scented gum seeds on fire do you?
thankyou, grotajira.
and, uh, thankyou too, jt? you two aren't much help between you, really.
will have to wait and see. i'll post another piccie if it changes shape or puts out its second set of leaves.
no, you don't set the seeds on fire, but you can soak them in peroxide for a bit before you plant them. apparently it does the job. . .
i think it's a triffid. run away!!!!!
i'd set it on fire now
if it's a triffid, it'll be a warning to its lurking mates
if it's a gum, it'll feel right at home
I've been told by a reliabale source that if you hold your finger on the leaves for at least 10 seconds, then release - if it sticks to your finger, then it's definitely gum!!
and if it bites your finger off within that same period, definitely a triffid!
Aahhhhh, at last I get to comment on the great gum tree triffid debate!
my 2 bob's worth is that it is a baby gum tree, and not a triffid at all, but I reckon I'd be taking Itchy's advice and being very careful of the nasty consequences if it IS a triffid.
how do triffids react if you soak them in hydrogyn peroxide? and can i get my money back from the guy who sold me the seeds? ("look! look at my finger! it's missing! i'm gonna sue the pants off you, mate!")
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