Friday, September 26, 2008

there's no way to go but upwards / thru murk into crystalline glow

it's that time of year again. here i am wearing woolen hoodie (hand-me-down from eleanor), scarf (present from chicory's human from turkey), woolen arm warmers (crocheted by miriam) and rain jacket (hand-me-down from nimmersatt - it is perfect!). i've broken out the long socks and my woolen singlets. the leaves are all turning, which is beautiful, even though they signal coming darkness and coldness and dampness.

life is a bit rough at the moment. i am house hunting (boo-earns!), putting in a major scholarship application (drafting and re-drafting my proposal), keeping up with my usual coursework and still trying to make new friends and negotiate a new campus. still, the stupid application goes in on monday, eleanor and i are checking out an apartment tomorrow afternoon, and on sunday i'm going to a party called "dead werewolves play pingpong and swap trousers".

here's some pictures i've been meaning to post for ages. i found out that most garlic available commercially in vancouver is shipped from china. i think that's absurd and disturbing, so next farmers' market i invested in a beautiful garlic plait made from locally grown, hand-plaited garlic:

(one is mine, the other is miriam's.) i have mine hung up in the storage room and hope it will see me through at least a chunk of winter. plus, pretty!


itchy fingers said...

house hunting? boo! hiss! did your landlords decide to sell or something?

Anonymous said...

oh, poor baby - how can i cheer you up?

no, got nothing ...

spring here - first snake sighted - not here, but close by

AFL grand final yesterday - an interesting, close game so that i was never tempted to go off walking as often happens

our new puppy will be born in around a week's time

i planted garlic after intense frustration with mouldy commercial cloves - i planted A LOT, so that now when i need to plant tomatoes, the bed is full of half grown garlic and i have a problem

JT is in Ireland - will forward her email


Gauri said...

i want a garlic plait !! good luck with the househunting.

gumtreefid farmer said...


no, ziggy decided to turn my room into a studio again. she does this every so often, then realises she can't afford it and gets another short term tenant in. i was only supposed to be here for the summer, remember?

it is still very boo hiss, though.

gumtreefid farmer said...


just hearing your virtual voice is cheering, my dear. keep commenting.

yes, i heard it was a good game, and a doggie got the brownlow.

did you plant organic garlic? non-organic garlic is often treated with stuff so it won't grow. i have to wait until after solstice to plant my garlic, apparently. i have one clove waiting.

ta for forwarding on the email - great to hear what she's up to.


gumtreefid farmer said...

you should get one then, gauri! they are fabulon.

ta for luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased the raincoat fits the bill, btw!
And I forgot to ask about the flat you saw. What's happening there?

Anonymous said...

my garlic cloves came from Diggers seeds, which used to be Garden of St Erth

they are my new best friends - i get all my seeds there now

tho i have still not forgiven them for uprooting tommy garnett's native garden

gumtreefid farmer said...


yes, it is very cozy and only smells slightly of bushfire now.

i rode home from cass' just now, with it flapping in the wind. i feel very visible, all yellow.

the flat is probably, cross fingers, ours. the landlady is checking our references this week, and we're meeting again on the weekend to fill in forms and formalise everything.

wish me luck!

gumtreefid farmer said...


i understand now. i misread your original post.

glad to hear garden of st earth is yr new special friend. you should sneak in and do guerilla gardening with natives. sweeeeeet. . .