Sunday, June 21, 2009

not quite straight

i have curly hair! or bits of curly hair - my random long bits are sort of turning into ringlets.

my hairdresser (of fabulousness) suggested this divergence from my always-dead-straight hair might be due to vancouver's damp climate.

reckon i should grow my hair out over winter and see what it looks like?


grotanurra said...


gumtreefid farmer said...

but then you wouldn't see the curls!

Nimmersatt said...

The level of activity on this blog is becoming overwhelming! Keep it coming!
Not quite straight indeed!

grotanurra said...

more compost, then - makes it shiny

simone said...

*attempts to picture you with a full head of ringlets*


but I'm intrigued. give it a go!

grotanurra said...

oh no, i used names and now i can't remove it!!!

gumtreefid farmer said...

couldn't do it without you, nimmersatt!

gumtreefid farmer said...


there is a photo of [name deleted] with a full head of ringlets (artificially induced by her mama) but it is in storage in Melton

3rd box from the right on the top row, Simmy, if you want to look

gumtreefid farmer said...

thanks for the encouragement, sim.

i'd forgotten about those ringlets, grot. that was a pretty sweet do.