the island was incredibly beautiful. quadra is off vancouver island, north-west of vancouver city, and it's tricky to get to, so it's not very built up, and there weren't too many people, even though it was the last long weekend of summer. to get there we drove up to a ferry terminal on the north shore, took a two and a half hour ferry across to nanaimo, then a bus up the island for two hours, then another short ferry across to quadra. it took a long time, but there were good views from all, and it was the first time i'd been up that way.
canoeing in what looks like a big lake, but was actually a very sheltered bay:

pretending it's not freezing:

the next day we went blackberrying the next day and got the most amazing haul. here is the fantabulous pie miriam made from the berries. yes, those are gumleaves on the top:

then we climbed a small mountain and admired the spectacular views from the top. this is looking south over the island. the photos form a panorama from left to right:

where we camped last night:

and coming home on the ferry. bye-bye, islands!

then i was back to uni, which was a bit of a shock. i swear there were more people stuffed into my skytrain carriage last night then i saw in the whole weekend. i spent the whole day dealing with bureaucracy and filling in forms, apart from two hours i spent fighting with the photocopier. yuck yuck yuck. i so hope i manage to get into the next pay round. i'm so poor and i so badly want a haircut. i need to invest in some bike gear too, so i can start commuter cycling properly. i used to have a nifty little travel pass which cost $80 a semester and let me go on any public transport, which was wonderful, but now i'm not a student anymore it has gone away. thus the need for a bike seat which isn't hard as a rock, an expensive raincoat and some sort of water resistant leg gear. it rains far too much in this city to skimp on rain gear! i'm looking forward to commuter cycling again. i've never been as fit as those three years in melbourne i rode everywhere.
due to a whole lot of bureaucratic muck ups i'm not TAing the classes i'd hoped for, but am doing an early modern literature course instead, which i think will work out fine. it'll definitely be good for me anyway. i'm rereading paradise lost at the moment, and enjoying it (it makes so much more sense of his dark materials and the bartimeous trilogy). i had my first tutorial yesterday and had such a good time. i'd forgotten what fun teaching can be.
must go read the norton introduction the 16th century.
love to all
lovely to see natcha and you out in it - very canadian indeed
b and i were also kayaking last weekend, in the folbot, and i too have been struggling with beaucracy to get paid for work done months ago - spooky, huh? like we're all still joined!
aw, how sweet! how was the folbot? where were you kayaking?
isn't it canadian? it was very entertaining. i think i forgot sometimes that i'm in canada, cos, y'know, *cities*.
are you doing a harry potter impression in that photo with the mountains?
i have new hair! with short fringe! photos to follow.
We had an exploratory paddle in the relative privacy of Lake Jubilee at the Daylsfd. It was gentle fun. We got a bit wet from waving our wet padles around too much. Some interested looks from passers by as we assembled and dismantled the Fbot.
Voila, see before your very eyes, a 5m sea kayak magically emerging from these two bags!
quadra looks most pretty.
no, itchy, it's an old family tradition/joke. you stand on a mountain (reached by summit ambition) and point to where you've walked from. i don't think harry potter was ever in the women's circus. . .
new hair! new hair! so exciting! where did you get it done? chainsaw massacre is still the Funkiest Hairdressers ever. though kokopellis (my new place) is a close favourite.
did you look like water beetles? (like itchy and me, back in the day). what fun! you will have to take a photo some time. glad you're enjoying yourselves.
quadra was very pretty. ah. . .
place on lygon st.
tiny young hairdresser was v rude to me, but then got excited about my fringe so we forgave each other.
your family tradition was stolen by harry potter promoters! you should sue them.
The first photo with canoe beside inlet is made excellent by the placement of the purple thongs. Gives it a real sense of someone going somewhere, or maybe already gone.
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