and now to answer the question i know is burning everyone's brains - what does a recent master read?

i kinda like not being a student. i've been going to parties and for bike rides, and today i planted some basil and lettuce. teaching is, um, interesting. i taught the same lesson over and over again from 10.30 to 2.30 on thursday, then went to an hour lecture. by the end of the day i was completely exhausted and wanted to kill people. i have plans for making thursdays easier on myself, and more intellectually stimulating.
yesterday was the annual learn how to teach day, so i went to a very good workshop on voice projection and articulation, and learnt some things to practise before class to make myself heard. then i went to the social and dished up pizza to TAs for an hour. all the cheese reminded me of tacos. . .
did I tell you I went to a Victoria GLendinning masterclass for Writers' Festival?
fascinating - she is an amazing woman - gave us lots of goss on the Woolfs
Have been reading her latest biog on Leonard Woolf - oh dear. I will take off Virg's fridge magnet today- really.
V was nasty - very mad, but also nasty and so snobby and anti-semitic, which is a shame because Leonard was a Jew! They didn't invite his mother to their wedding because Virg hated jews!
never have i had such an iconoclastic experience reading a book - i am sad - but they're all dead, so I'll get over it!
hee! did you find his blog yet?
ah ha food service. well, there's few of us still doing it.
more importantly, I finally read Harry Potter. Hmm. email me your thoughts. I have read the ending a few times now, and am more reconciled to it than at first. not the emotional wrench I expected.
love vta
my virg postcard has just fallen off the wall in shock. how rude!
yes, remember my shock on reading her diaries? but you still like her books, yes? remember the audio version of the _the waves_ you were raving over?
itchy - yup. 'tis fun.
vta- at least you get paid for it. i was doing it for the love of the union. and free pizza. . .
mm, harry potter. over-rated is my main thought. the actual ending was okay, but the epilogue was a whole new sort of crappy. glad you're reconciled.
will email.
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