lookit the pretty pictures!
i have marked about fifty essays (nearly there). i've got some euros, brand new asthma meds ($$$!) and tiny travel shampoo. i have a cv and a kind of, horrible, messed up proposal. three days to go! oh and i have to mark sixty exams after tomorrow as well.
winifred and i have been having study dates at the vancouver public library. the vpl is a beautiful deconstructed sort of building downtown. it's always packed out, but very quiet, and we've spent many productive hours there. plus going for long lunches with gossip and processing. which is also very productive, in its own way.

ziggy is celebrating hanakkah, and has had friends over each night to light more candles on the menorah. the other day they tried to remember some driedel songs and ended up singing a medley of raffi songs instead. "you brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch ch. . . "

the snow has all melted (except on the hill). now it is sunny and very cold. my lettuces coped fine, which is very exciting:

and this is the view from a friend's back veranda. it's typical east-van scenery.

right. back to how my background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated my decision to pursue a graduate degree at the university of *****.
hey! love the pictures. did you get my email? I sent it to your non university address. your old one. I will now send a couple of pictures from la jayneys going away party.
xoxo vta
ooh the pictures ARE pretty ! have fun in europe. hopefully your waifs cd will be waiting for you when you get back. <3 unless you got it already ?
have you gone? did i miss it?
You'll probably be off on the plane by the time I get in tomorrow, so have a wonderful time and I'll hear from you in the New Year. I'll be on holidays until 9th Jan.
Lots of Love
y'awl might like to know that Eponnee has arrived safely at her holiday destination and, according to her last communique, was on a train somewhere, with bbb and grot.
yes! i am in the nehterlands! it's very pretty!
i can't work out how to log into the silly blog, so here's an anonymous comment instead, lalala.
i am in love with all the bicycles - i want one! very cold, lots of pretty things to look at.
proper post later some time hopefully. inty is expensive.
you did get our message then, jt. we have been checking for a rpely, sobbing quietly. . .
Eponee Rae good to see you still making contact with the word and enjoying the bikes in amsterdam. im in Tokyo and its amazing - ah! off to ChCh on Thursday hope you and bbb and grot have a lovely christmas - remember to eat lots of cake in paris!
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