so beautiful! and so cold! it snowed all saturday, big fluffy flakes, and everybody wandered round in big coats, looking awestruck. except the cyclists, who looked cool in big coats, with helmets over their padded hoods and scarves up over their noses.

miriam and i had an exciting experience on the way to a brunch - she stopped at an intersection going uphill and the car got stuck! the wheels were spinning gently, and i was squeaking, but she was cool (cos a local girl), and then i got out and pushed the car out of the rut. i felt very tough and manly.
later i got to use the snow brush thingy to clear the car off:

two concerts on the weekend - one gospel choir (v. good fun, with singing along and hand clapping) and handel's messiah. on the way back from the first one miriam, her friend P and i stopped in stanley park and had a snow ball fight amongst all the great dark trees. then we made snow angels - it was perfect. and very very cold. oh yes.
now it's 12 degrees and raining. warm. balmy.
g+b are in paris by now, i think. eee!
Snow! How pretty! I wish we had snow.
oh gtg, well as it turns out I have 20 days leave awarded to me as of 1 january, to use whenever I wish.
and, after consultation with travel agent, airfares to van are proving super expensive ($3700), so perhaps I will visit when you are around, in a few months time. I discussed it with my boss and he said easter would be good, or july.
enjoy the snow!!
xo vta
Snow - All I can think is how awful to live in it!!! Nice and warm and sunny here. Lots of cicadas singing at night.
Lovely photos and nice beanie!!Need another one? Although you can buy a proper french beret soon!!
ps that last comment was me - I haven't figured out how to comment cos it's different!!
oh how lovely and not dusty and full of flies at all.
le sigh.
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