there were also boys in kilts playing the bagpies and old men in gowns and bonnets, which is always a bit cool. academic ceremony is so strange. can't wait til i get a big puffy phd hat.
here's a bunch of the women from my cohort. it was nice to all graduate together. (it's okay to have htis photo up cos it is intended for the internet anyway - the girl in the middle is obsessed with pink is the new blog, and made the sign special like):

life has improved. thankyou for your patience. i've taken to bike riding down the mountain to save money and feel all invigorated about life and those other good things. i've also spent more quality time with various humans (ziggy is back!) and, um, spent a lot of time doing vocab drills for GRE prep, which is strangely soothing. road trip this weekend for thanksgiving! and minor party tonight for celebration of graduation. i better go get the pizza dough rising, eh?
we're totally on the blog! how exciting! there's britney spears, and then there's, like, me! oh, this feeds my weird britney obsession something chronic. . .
oh, damn. now my shameful secret is on the internet.
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