the drive has a high concentration of coffee shops and alternative types, as well as increasing numbers of yuppies toting lululemon yoga mats. the wikipedia entry is quite entertaining, check it out. it says we have lots of ethnic people, public transport and street festivals. also that "The Drive is a popular place for Vancouverites who want to experience a safe version of North American counter-culture."
i love the drive cos it has good food and coffee, lots of queers and other cool people, lots of fun stuff happening, lots of parks and lots of my friends living down here. my hood also has

mountains visible all over

independent supermarkets (this is santa barbaras)

co-op bookshops, groceries and housing

decorated houses (i think the bottom bit looks very blake-ian)

random chalking

but look what they did to my closest park! luckily there's half a dozen other parks in walking distance, and according to the plans we found at the local palestinian restaurant, they're doing good things to this park. though they have moved the bocce courts, which is going to anger the old italian men.

there's traffic calmed streets

with interesting graffiti (that says "democracy is for bitches")

i have a t-shirt made by this screenprinter

this is one of my favourite bits of graff (the other is these huge posters of light switches under bridges - so cool)

and local loonies

there's also lots of homeless people, and drugs (though the marijuana shop got shut down) and there was a shooting in a cafe a month ago (gang related), so it's not perfect, but perfect places are creepy. i love my hood.
yr hood rocks! right on, sista!(and other colloquialisms)
you have inspired me to do a post about my 'hood some time in the near future.
i.o.n i am doing a photo shoot for a cinema ad on saturday!!!!!!!
(well, it's a geelong cinema and the shop is the swan's aunt's beauty parlour, but still.)
much excitement!
Your hoody reigns supreme, work it gurl!
What's a lulamon yoga mat?
And yes the wikipedia entry is quite informative.
itchy - do! i lurve yr hood! (my old hood *sniffles*) glad i am inspirational. yo.
eeeee! you are professional photographer! v. exciting! you must share it somehow. i'm so proud of you!
elli - *bows*
bbb - lululemon is this exorbatently expensive and wanky chain of yoga clothing. apparently their shop in metrotown mall is so big it has a small waterfall in it. all the yuppies and half my students are in love with lululemon and they are wankers. actually, it's kinda entertaining, in a sad way.
yes, i thought it was most entertaining and useful. do you know here it is on the map now?
i googled lululemon.
"We aim to create components for people to live longer, healthier, more fun lives"
components? please.
p.s eeeeeeeee! i know! will post photos, unless they don't work. aaargh! what if they don't work?
(gasps in silent panic.)
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