urg. emotionally exhausting week. in serious need of alone time and study time. which could work out nicely, come to think of it . . .
you'll never guess what i've taken up again! (correct guesser receives their choice of olympic memorabilia or squirrel fingerpuppet)
also, from the archives:

that's VTA (in focus!), senor chicory and me. taken by chicory's human.
collecting pretty shaped little soaps?
I have a boxload here - i'll send them on.
no, but good guess! well done, grotty, for getting the ball rolling in style.
ballet and tap dancing?
I still have the black leotard and bun-making bobby pins - i'll send them on
another good but wrong guess! you do not still have the black leotard. though my pretty pink tutu is still up the back of my cupboard and i still fit the matching pink jiffies. . .
twirling with fire clubs!
no, but an excellent guess! i'd like to take that up again. such a good party trick. . .
thanks, gauroxen.
starring in musicals?
i still have the pocahontas costume - i'll send it on
gosh, that's going back. i only have vague memories of the whole event.
juggling? circus training?
well, kinda, but only occasionally. this is something else. you need to delve further back, oh friend of fifteen years. . .
we value yr participation. please try again.
the violin!
I have an old violin here - i'll send it on.
or sculpture!
i have a container load of whole and broken ceramic statues here - i'll send them on ...
(wot have you started!?)
gardening - i have the pots, i'll etc
jigsaw puzzles - i'll etc
reading - i'll etc
knitting - i'll etc
that melton thing of painting pre-made figures - i'll etc
stop, stop! you won already!
the violin wouldn't like being posted, but i would dearly love the shoulder rest. and maybe some sheet music, if i keep playing for a while.
you also have masses of lovely whole sculptures dotting the house and garden, thankyou very much. not to mention scores of birdbaths.
i mean, CONGRATULATIONS! you win! what would you like for your prize? shall i scope out the olympicana?
can i have a squirrel fingerpuppet as an enccouragement award?
go on...
p.s watch the skies in the next week, eeee!
no, too poor. saving up for extravagently expensive boots.
woooooeeeeee! sky watching! very exciting!
oh ...
i was just running through every bit of yr stuff that we have here - never thought i'd win!
i'd like to thank Kali - she has made me what i am today
as a gesture of cosmic goodwill, i'd like to present itchy with my squirrel puppet
thank you linesmen
g, you are too, too benevolent.
*sobs with quiet materialistic happiness*
youse are the best readership a girl could have!
squirrel puppet to itchy it is then!
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