thanks, jt! they're beautiful. i do miss gumtrees, you cruel auntie!

this is the same lake jt sent me pictures of in summer. remember this?

i have little news. i have my last exam in the wee hours tomorrow - wish me luck! my main worry are the american poets and novelists. somehow i have managed to do seven years of tertiary education without seriously studying any americans. i've discovered i like robert frost and herman melville, and dislike faulker, emerson and hemingway. never say the GRE doesn't teach you anything!
Nice photos I took, especially the lovely big gum tree and pattersons curse. Imagine how good I'll be when I get my Canon digital SLR!!!
Now you are paying for having disregarded the Americans!!!
I'll wish you luck now for the middle of the night
We are winding down here and this is my last Saturday for 4 months. Yahooo - students will all be gone soon ... at least for a little while.
Lots of Love
gosh, don't gum trees make australian hills look all furry? it is strange to compare them to upright, spiked canadian mountains.
best of luck on your exam!!
ps. I scored a Kevin 07 t-shirt! (for free)
xo vta
yes, 'gum with purple' is a beautiful foto
australiana package will be on its way soon
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