i've been cranky and crabby and Not Fun to be around, so little posting. but now i am on holidays and much calmer. well, "on holidays", really.
mia dyson! i saw mia dyson! it was a fabulon gig, so good. i'd forgotten how good her music is when it's up so loud you can feel vibrate up your sternum. it was at this tiny little club, but it was packed out. the crowd was composed almost entirely of lesbians and ex-pats, so i was right at home, and i got a seat right up the very very front, so i could see her fingers moving on the strings.
she played lots of stuff from "parking lots" and a handful of songs from the new cd. very cool. but she didn't have any copies of the new cd. boooo! and she did a few from "cold water" including "though this town", which is on the slide guitar in her lap (i don't know the proper word for it). her stage presence is much more relaxed since last time i saw her (eighteen months ago, at the spanish club) and she told lots of good little stories. the town in "though this town" is daylesford, which is very exciting. i didn't yell out "i've been there!" wasn't that restrained? oh, i was going to try and embed a vid of that song, but i can't find one. but if you go
here you can listen to it. it all made me frightfully homesick and i cried a lot on the bus home. the end.
i got chatting to the guy whose table i was sharing (he was a nice POM) and he introduced me to
kate reid, who's a local artist (she's the one playing in the photo of the dyke march). that was cool except it made me do the sad fan thing . she said "hi, i'm kate" and i said "i know! i like your song about the co-op gurlz!" if you go to her myspace page you can hear said song. it's very entertaining.
apart from that i've been going to lots of goodbye parties, cos ALL MY FRIENDS ARE LEAVING TOWN. sigh. and i've been hanging out with all the ppl who aren't leaving town, and i took chicory for a long walk yesterday and picked lots and lots of blackberries. yum. today i'm going to hang out with miriam and the two year old twins she nannies. they're small and pink and symmetrical. it's very entertaining. i read them picturebooks and try and decipher their speech which is, unfortunately for boring old monolingual aunty kant, a mixture of french and english, with toddler elocution. have i written about how many people speak french here? half a dozen of my friends are bilingual, and i've met quite a few bilingual babies. plus all the packaging for food and whatever is in french and english. (see the maple syrup in my last entry) yesterday i was buried deep in some blackberry bushes, with chicory waiting on the footpath, and heard this gush of enthusiastic french behind me, so i stuck my head out and said hi and the walker immediately said "oh, your dog! look at those ears!" so now i can recognise "what a great dog!" in french.
i think my favourite goodbye party, apart from the one on the beach, was wednesday night's, which was held on the top of m+j's building, smack bang in the middle of downtown. i leave you with a (blurry) view of the city and the mountains from the 19th floor:

(the grass on top of the building was all flat. very weird.)