chicory's human and i went for a bike ride round stanley park last night to celebrate his being two years in canada. we sat and watched the sunset from prospect point and planned his 35th party - he had his 30th watching this view.

(image stolen from the interwebs.)
aww that looks so nice (sniff)
xo vta
Hi grot,
thanks for the soothing comments re lesson planning.
this jaded ole teacher can reassure you any time you need, tf
went to a Vic WRiters' fest masterclass yesterday with Geraldine McCaughrean - she was very interesting - has published scores of children and YA books in UK, tho I'd never heard of her
she said that the odder your writing is, the more likely it is to be original and publishable, which was reassuring
please set up an hup-coming election discussion
sorry, vta! we talked about you and your impressive enterprise bargaining skills. chicory's human says you need to unionise. (he would) hugs
grot - i've never heard of her either, but will keep an eye out. i'm trying to find jasper fforde's new one but it doesn't seem to exist here yet. soon, my pretties, soon. will let you know what it's like.
i've tried to get election discussion going. remember my great comic about the industrial relations? i'll have another go when it's actually announced, eh? looking forward to it!
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