not all of the berries, either! it was a very complicated recipe which involved spraying the kitchen with egg whites and melting things in a double boiler. oh dear, i'm not very good at this recipe blog business. look! me! in silly pants!

i planned to end the entry with a photo of fabulous cake, garnished with left over chocolate and blackberries, as the recipe suggested, but i had a slight translation issue with fahrenheit/celsius and, um, the cake wasn't very photogenic by the time i got it out of the pan. . .
it was still delicious, though! especially if you conceptualised it as pudding rather than cake. it got rave reviews from those i shared it with. winifred plonked herself down next to my microfilm machine in the library and started telling me about her week from HELL (it began with the car getting wiped out by a garbage truck and just got worse) - i simply handed over a tupperware container full of cake and a spoon.
in non-cake-related news, um. . . i'm still kinda cranky. stupid defence. stupider bureaucracy. *stabs eyeball with fork* though i finally managed to get final copies of my paper in and all the paperwork sorted to have my defence next week, and i think visa stuff will work out. much in the way of blood, sweat and tears. (actually! i got a nasty paper cut which bleed all over my cover sheet.)
i met with my supervisor today to do practise questions for my defence. he said "my first question is why you spelt my name wrong."
lol re cake
hair does look rather funny
it will never work while you spell it defense - that is the fundamental problem
pass me a slice!
mispelling your supervisor's name? *shakes head sadly*
didn't you penalise your own students for the same crime?
hair looks better today - much more styled and funky. it needs a cut, is the main problem, but i can't afford it.
according to fowlers "defense" is the AmE way of spelling it, which is why all the paperwork and everything here spells it like that and i why i spell it like now. don't you want me to fit in?
i could send you some!
that was his response too. . .
i didn't penalise them, i just told them i would! it's different!
i know WHY you're doing it -
i just don't know how you CAN!
Why DID you mispell his name?
hmmm, deep down, buried there is the secret.....
because i'm a sell-out. i'm a yuppy canuck assimilationist sell-out!
gosh, it feels good to finally show my true colors.
um, because i have deep-seated emotional issues and fear success? probably due to my relationship with my father. . .
(cos i was distracted by making sure i spelt the name of my second reader correctly - she has a much harder name)
defence ... urgh.
but you have have HOTT pants! i miss those pants. mmm, cow fur ...
aw. pantluv!
they are so on the way out. the material is wearing thin in a number of crucial places. maybe i will cut them up and make them into a vest. haha. or a skirt! i could make a skirt!
the twins were fascinated by them. at one point i had both twins circling me patting the fur. it was strange and symmetrical.
i wouldn't be telling the whole world about yr strange twin rituals - parents might read and be weirded
for good reason ...
their maman knew i was visiting - i'm sure she wouldn't mind them admiring my dacs.
not strange!
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