look what i found when i was walking the dog! it's berry season - everywhere you go there's bushes covered in 'em. i picked these ones into a little lemon-scented bag i happened to be carrying. . . then walked along eating them from the bag just to freak out passers-by.
a mate of mine came round the other night bearing a blueberry pie made from berries she'd picked that morning. yum and a half.
i wrote 500 words of introduction last night, setting out my terms and argument. yes, that's right, argument. my aim for this semester - have a clear argument in everything i write - has been achieved, i think. now all i gotta do is whip up the other 3'500 words or so, then get going on the victorian paper. we had our last meting yesterday. i gave a slightly dodgy presentation on "goblin market' and various masochistic poems by swinburne, and we had good talks about the relationship between pleasure and morality, and a long and depressing conversation about the position of married women in the era. they had no rights *at all*. but it was a good class, lively discussion, as always. then we took the prof out for drinks as thankyou for directing our reading in such a friendly and productive fashion. i drank bubbly and we compared our undergrad experiences and talked about the subject three of us are working on next semester. i found out what else i'm teaching - introduction to fiction again. so that's a first year subject, and the second year one on victorian literature. i'm quite looking forward to it.
best get back to the essays. due to a slight lack of naprogesic being readily available in this city (perscription medication my bum!) i haven't achieved much this morning.
hey are you on the 'net for a while?
wold love an email 'chat' with you if possible.
yeah, gofurrit! i will be intermittent, though. i've got 1129 words now, and am in The Zone.
OMG. Fresh berries.
I demand you pick some more and turn them into a rustic tart. Num.
i don't do baking. smacks of effort also am big important academic. but i can outsource and take a photo for you. would that do?
they are extra num. you shoulda tasted the blueberry pie. OMG.
why eating berries from bag freaking out people?
cos it was a little lemon scented poo-bag. and berries in the bag form a sort of poo-shaped and -sized clump. . .
ps. yr comments don't come up on my email anymore, v. odd, so sorry it's taking me a while to respond. i have to find them manually. tisk.
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