oh dear. thankyou, VTA!

postcard from cassandra - those trees are beautiful! glad you had a relaxing weekend.

and fabulon package from itchy, with postcards and maps and cds. the poster of the artwork down the bottom is my favourite - that's wombat poo painted pink. ziggy says i'm not allowed to put it up in the hallway cos it's icky.
i've been very sloppy in responding, so sorry. lots going on atm. i'm very excited to visit the mailbox lately - so many good things! thankyou everybody!
hee, your new hair is purty.
glad you liked the package. it was fun to send, though I was worried that writing the birthday message would make customs officials suspicious that I had hidden heroin throughout. (after watching 'Border Security' I understand that all foreign parcels/people are concealing drugs and/or prohibited food items.)
pippi, pls explain the pink wombat poo - i don't get it - is it real? a drawing? is it a proscribed drug?
Ha! You'll become a Victorian yet! gm
if i may?
grot, the wombat poo is real wombat poo that an artist in residence at Bundanon collected and painted pink as some kind of a statement about something (can't remember why.)
then she/he donated it to the trust.
*tries to think of witty wanky interpretation of pink poo
says nothing*
if i remember rightly it is something about natural versus artificial? there's probbably an explanation in the brochure somewhere.
*coughs 'cheater'*
hello anne!!
i hope you like it. i thought it might be fun for five minutes
oh the hair ... oh god ...
*takes deep breath*
i LOVE black spur area. we drove thru it on the way to taggerty (for femmo camp), and i was like, "stop the car! i'm gettin off here and i ain't comin back to melbs!! i'll send for my things!"
itchy - isn't it? maybe i should wear it out today. . .
the package was fabulous. i had such fun opening it and finding all the different things. now i'm going to decorate my room! i already have my map on the door with a little cross more or less on the 'dale, so i can explain to ppl where i'm from and that it gets hotter towards the top and there really is a big desert in the middle and that tasmania, contrary to popular belief, isn't mythical. *sighs*
d'ya'mean i shouldn't have been snuffling hopefully at the seams of the package? bugger.
love you!
gm - really? but i don't want to be a victorian! i don't think the outfits would suit me at all. . .
ta for commenting - nice to see you.
itchy and grot,
all i have to add is that the artwork is called "marking the territory" and is by iris zogel.
there is no explanation.
hi VTA! i'll see you in two days! 10pm at havanas. check.
will email re. buses. yes, yes i will. had a nice talk to chicory's human last night, but i don't think i can come canoeing. the be good tanyas are playing at the folk fest, and i badly want to see them.
the hat is fun for more than 5 mins. very entertaining! thankyou!
is that a "you're so hot" hyperventiliation? you know you want me.
yes, the postcard of the spur is beautiful. all foggy and drippy and i miss the bush, did i mention that? *sniffles*
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