we saw some amazing music, from gospel to intense throat singing, funky folk, stories about union history, sea songs, spoken word, punjabi music and the _the be good tanyas_. this is bitch and the exciting conclusion (note max from _the L-word_ playing the keyboard):

lots of friends in the crowd, and lots of friends-of-friends, and their work mates, choir friends, ex-roomies and mothers. see VTA and chicory's human!

the night concert was beautiful. ziggy baggsed a big spot near the front, and the weather put on a show. here are some photos i stole from the internet:

this one you have to click on and make big. purty.

another very good day!
this was the setting for the cartwheeling, btw, and why i was too tired to write even a little paragraph about it!
wow - big fun - maybe even more than pfff!
oh, i don't know if i'd go that far! but here you can duck out and go for a paddle anytime - without your feet freezing solid!
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