not that i spent twenty minutes running up and down a soggy roadside in the rain, balancing the camera on my container of yoghurt . . .
this is the forest around campus that i have mentioned/photographed a couple of times before. still stormy and cold. we got nearly 50ml yesterday, and people have been evacuated as rivers split their banks. residents are warned "to stay away from fast-running rivers and streams.' lucky i live on top of a mountain. though the storm has also stirred up the reservoirs so we have to boil our water. which is all very well if you happen to be one of those kettle-owning people.
rather stiff and sore. i went and did my normal gentle yoga and have regained the ability to touch my toes and so forth.
i have a week's marking hiatus now, in which i am to prepare a presentation on walter raleigh, write my essay for asian-canadian lit and write a proposal for my renaissance essay. i had no clue about the last one, so i went and saw frances yesterday and she gave me some good ideas. something to do with the illustrations in witchcraft pamphlets. will let you know how it develops.
i worry about you running around in a scary red forest with no eucalypts to protect you
i know! where are the pretty leaves? where are the big bad banksia men?
it's not really red - street lights and odd camera.
you look EVIL. ps my ma wants to read your blog. ok ?
that's cos i'm really a VAMPIRE! sorry i didn't tell you earlier, i just couldn't think how to break the news. it's a very sensitive subject, you know. . .
sure! the more the merrier. comments encouraged. (you could tell her the no-real-names rule, pls? apart from you, obviously, cos you are a strange cyborg type person)
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