"the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey.
i feel right at
home in this stunning monochrome, alone in my way."
this is the view from my window. luckily i don't have to leave my room today, just stay here at my desk and read feminist theory and mark essays. maybe go for a swim.
that's a bit like what it looked like here yesterday! but today is gorgeous and sunny and going to be 22 degrees :) i, too, stayed inside all day yesterday working away. on the upside, i didn't get cold!
how's the crazy workload going? from my end, there's one essay (almost) down - due today - and one to go...
yay for staying inside all day! except one's proscribed daily outing in order to talk to an actual human. or go for a swim, which involved being near humans, if not actually *talking* to them. . .
mmm, gorgeous and sunny!
crazy workload is in a lull at the moment. everything is due in in two or three weeks. apart from the marking, of course. meh. reading some fun stuff, though, as you can tell from the new post.
glad to hear you're so close! well done you! and such a good reward awaiting!
don't undermine my grey-ness, gauroxen! we actually had sun today, as well, for a couple of hours round midday. very exciting. sample conversation over lunch:
j: it's so nice that's it's sunny. me: yeah, i was starting to worry i was vitamin something deficient. m: that's not the problem. you get suicidal and depressed and don't see any sun til march!
that's a bit like what it looked like here yesterday! but today is gorgeous and sunny and going to be 22 degrees :) i, too, stayed inside all day yesterday working away. on the upside, i didn't get cold!
how's the crazy workload going? from my end, there's one essay (almost) down - due today - and one to go...
tis what it looked like yesterday, except less solid. twas depressing ! but now there is sun. exciting 1
this place
is very colourful - colorful, I mean
hey pumkinhead!
yay for staying inside all day! except one's proscribed daily outing in order to talk to an actual human. or go for a swim, which involved being near humans, if not actually *talking* to them. . .
mmm, gorgeous and sunny!
crazy workload is in a lull at the moment. everything is due in in two or three weeks. apart from the marking, of course. meh. reading some fun stuff, though, as you can tell from the new post.
glad to hear you're so close! well done you! and such a good reward awaiting!
don't undermine my grey-ness, gauroxen! we actually had sun today, as well, for a couple of hours round midday. very exciting. sample conversation over lunch:
j: it's so nice that's it's sunny.
me: yeah, i was starting to worry i was vitamin something deficient.
m: that's not the problem. you get suicidal and depressed and don't see any sun til march!
btw, "me" and "m' are different ppl. i think i was calling her eleanor before.
mmm, postsecret very interesting. i'm keeping an eye out for the book. isn't the interweb a fascinating place?
how are the dogs in bee costumes?
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