good party last night for muffin's bday. (his partner let slip his petname, haha, so winifred made him a 'don't mess with muffin' tshirt, which i think he liked) good people, good chats, good bubbly. the abba karaoke with fork-microphones at 1am was a bit much. hee! this leaving my room business is fun.
pretending homework is not there. hmmm. blaaaaah. snowing! must run around in snow and wear odd clothes!
Is that the legion on Commercial Drive? Cos I used to dance there of a Saturday night.
Wow. I'm 85 years old.
yes, yes it is, and yes, yes you are.
i can see it would be a nice place to dance when not filled with crafty hippies. you would love my new stupid arm things. they have *feathers* and are cack green in the best style. . .
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