i did my bit for democracy this morning. toddled off to the australian consulate (with passport in funky moomintroll holder) and voted. it was a bit flat. i realised i'm used to voting being very much a community thing. like last election, i dressed up like a witch and our whole household went and voted together then played tag on the playground at yarraville primary, freaking out the kiddies. and i was working that night and kept checking in with the chef to see how it was panning out (a very politically engaged workplace) and getting gradually more and more resentful with the bastard customers for voting the bastard back in. or the year i was voting back home and had the parental figures handing out how to vote cards for two different parties and a girl i went to school with crossing me off the electoral roll.
anyway, it wasn't as much fun, just me in a little room, but i do like voting.

so then i went off and bought the new tamora pierce from chapters and several pairs of woollen stockings from sears. to go with new outfit from the weekend! (budget has gone out the window - but do need new warm clothes). new outfit thus. can be dressed funky for going out or boring for teaching.
i have 1,500w done. 4 degrees and raining outside.
i lurrrrve your new outfit.
thankyou dahling. i lurrrrrve you!
it was all yr inspriation, you know. . .
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