was feeling a bit city-deprived so i had an excursion downtown today. it was a bit of a failed excursion, really. out of my shopping list i managed to get a lightbulb and some handcream. meh. also it was raining. everytime i went inside for coffee or whatever it took me ten minutes to get all my warm layers off. bumped into m+j, though, and had hot chocolate and a ridiciously rich crepe, which improved things. and i took another small step towards fitting in vancouver. presents coffee mug with first nations' symbol:

good, no? it's a frog.
also found some very good coats round the $200 mark. and the bay has christmas windows! (if you look closely you can see 'SEARS' backwards in the reflection)

now to stop whining and start doing some work. or something.
are those windows narnia themed?
yes! shiny, huh? there was only two, but they were cool.
'... was only two'
no child of mine....
wow, check out that rain pissing down!!!
By the bright light I reckon it must be at least say ..... 2:30pm?
pshaw! you should see the mistakes i'm correcting! my grammar and spelling are *fabulous*. very unique, you know.
yeah, check out the rain! still going! will be tomorrow, too! aargh!
yeah, well spotted, maybe a bit later though, like 3? it was completely dark by 4.30. erk.
is it my anti-christ imagination, or does that Narnia dude look like the old JC?
it's mr tumnus, you old heathen!
hallo ! i took some videos of rain for you today cos we had amazing rain.. and now that i think about it you probably don't want to see more rain..
i also have a video of killy doing the rug dance.. do you want to see that one ?
was it rain or hail? i wouldn't mind seeing some hail.
but killy, please.
more or less. it's more crowded a bit further down robson, but i didn't want to film in a crowd. 'hi, i'm an enormous creep!'
doesn't it look like melbs?
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