Thursday, December 07, 2006

stunning views of places that are not here

jt took these photos of a lake in wondonga. it's so hot the water has all dried up. the smoke and the strange orange glow are from the bushfires in victoria. from here, where the snow is melting on the ground, it looks like another planet. i recommend clicking on the photo to get a bigger view. they're stunning. thanks, jt!


Anonymous said...

wow, it DOES TOO look like another planet ... i thought it was random pics of random sci-fi tv show set, but then again i have been watching star trek kind of a lot ...

Anonymous said...

oh and re: bush fires - are the fam ok??

gumtreefid farmer said...

'ello there!

star trek? huh. oh, have you ever seen star gate or something like that? apparently they filmed it up here. yes, i am just a well of useful information.

yep, they're good. *sends good vibes*

ps. i feel special and loved