okay, so this happened on sunday, but it took me a while to get round to uploading the vid, blah blah. damn demanding public!
i headed down with FLQ and her boy, who is visiting this week, and we caught the last half of the parade down the main drag in china town. it was very cool. i especially loved the dragons. we had a good front view and could see the young people swapping in and out of the dragon costumes and holding their lower backs. some of them were doing some speccy acrobalance stuff.
i remember going to a chinese new year's parade when i was small, but the only bit i remember really is the dragons eating cabbages tied to the shop verandahs. we missed that this time, but i did see a cabbage hanging up.
there's a long chinese history in vancouver, from the gold rush to the people labouring on the canada pacific highway.
think that's all i had to say. it was sunny.

this is the dragons. about 30sec.
um, can anyone see a vid? i think the googlehybrid has screwed up already.
vid? no vid.
and when i tried to do a final check on the godroach, it said in big black letters
which is a damn lie, so i had to go back throught the archives
Vid is there, but I can't get it to play.
the vid is working now, on my comp anyway.
sorry about this. *not* my fault. as i may have obseesively mentioned.
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