grot is the Big Winner (see tuchfrau's blog for the fast n furious australiana themed race to the nerve test, and grot's victory speech). here is the world's cutest cockroach:

and just cos it's been a while, y'know:

p.s. remember - if anybody else sends me photos of their doogs i will put them up too. this means you, crin and steph! i know you're out there. . . aren't you?
le marron cafard est caché - start guessing folks!
the chestnut cockroach is hidden?
Godroach is in a chestnut tree?
Godroach is in heaven all's right with the world?
The Godroach is disguised as a swan and is making crude advances at a girl named Leda.
The cockroach is a mere mortal cockroach and is going through gtg's garbage looking in vain for meat.
The cocroach is hopping on hot coals thrying to escape from a chestnut roaster.
The cockroach is Grot and bbb's dog.
Their chestnut coloured dog.
oh.i thought 'marron' meant 'crooked' or 'false'. stupid dictionary.
tuchfrau, you are hilar! i have stolen 'godroach' cos i love it - hope that is okay.
leda and godroach is fab.
my guess:
my nouveau dictionaire francais said 'brown' is marron, but babelfish thinks otherwise - who does one believe?
one of tf's weeird and wonderful guesses is on track
godroach is wandering round a dark maze, snorting its terrible snort and waving its terrible horns?
(and waiting a ball of thread, in case that is too obscure)
the cockroach is being tumbled in a popcorn machine at cinema at wooders.
But which one????????? Which guess???????? 'Tis cruel to punish my efforts with such ambiguity! It's my turn to demand a clue I think!
The cockroach is selling sausages at a roadside stall in Berlin, calling me to come and join it for the summer.
the godroach is a raccoon.
(i am trying to replicate each of your themes, tuchfrau. a slow and so far unsuccessful strategy.)
well remember the sausages and glauwein (sp?) in the snowy streets of Bolzano, and gtg whinging the whole time because german cuisine wsa entirely based on speck bacon
yum yum
how i love to watch youse squirm like sprayed insects
Godroach is aptly named - that is my next clue
The bloody cockroach is in St Catherine's head in Sienna
hello, back in the game, a little rusty so be kind.
Godroach is giving the olive tree as a gift to the people of Athens in exchange for them naming the city 'Godroachia'
or luring the children of Hamlin away with his little pipe.
Or being exorcised from the body of a young fundamentalist Christian girl deep in the Bible belt.
Or devouring his children in a Goya painting.
itchy, you are such an over-achiever!
i'm awaiting guesses from gtg and tf and jt and whoever else is reading this
The godroach is moving in mysterious ways throught the heavens aboard the comet Mc Naught.
godroach is a quaker in a nice wide hat.
if i ever find god i'm going to be a quaker. i've decided.
The godroach is Diana the huntress, stalking deer across the night sky.
does that mean i'm not allowed another guess yet?
The Godroach is about to turn you into a pillar of salt because you looked back even though He told you not to.
That'll learn you.
godroach is curled up in the myer christmas windows (she is playing baby jesus this year).
that was a compliment, itchy - take it graciously
some of you are close
next clue - godroach is not a christian
Godroach is Aphrodite, goddess of leeerve!
Or possibly Aprodite, Greek paediatric cardiologist who is in my German class. My money's on the first one though.
the godroach is inside a hand-held prayer wheel. she's getting dizzy.
godroach is a goat, being sacrificed on the steps of a kali temple.
I demand a clue. I think it's only fair.
hey, i did put in a clue yesterday, but it's not here!
spooky thing is, it was a bit blasphemous, so maybe godroach deleted it!
godroach is not a god, i said yesterday, so stop praying to it
but the mythology track is the right one
the godroach is eating pomegrante seeds.
the godroach is asking travellers tricky questions. then destroying them.
we had best solve this soon as we've Gone Off The Page!
gtg is closest
yes, hide the godroach indeed - bury it in the blog, but that's not the answer
argh! i guessed yeserday before the dissappearance but now it's gone! and i can't remember what it was.
um, the godroach is the Wolf, waiting for little girls to wander off the path and into his sexually charged jaws?
The godroach is in the eyesocket of a blinded cyclops.
The word for verificaiton is zhanctf - sounds like the surname of one of my students.
tf is again very close
but in reality, the godroach is crawling in the back legs of gtg's celebrity blog
the cockroach has been turned into a tree.
btw, i highly recommend trying the disabled version of the word verification (if you have fast inty). there is a virtual person saying numbers over the top of a real person gabbling nonsense. very dada.
I don't understand that clue. If it is a clue?
tf, the clue is that you are again very close with your cyclops guess
the other bit was pointing out how we had been relegated to the archives, but gtg ahs fixed that now
the godroach has been lost at sea for seven years because he was rude to Poseidon.
or, he is gazing at himself in a pool and is slowly starving to death.
or, he has just been sent a lovely dress from Medea, isn't she nice and not at all vindictive like you would expect.
very close, bbb and itchy
The Godroach is Helen, the most beautiful adulteress ever?
The Godroach is duelling with Achilles?
Um, the Godroach has been turned into a pig by that nasty witch along with the rest of Odysseus' crew?
The godroach is a siren. Or possibly the scylla.
well, here's a pickle - both bbb and tuchfrau are ALMOST right! itchyfingers is close also, but not close enough
Volume XIX of "Le Cafard Cache" says there must now be a tie-breaker.
so, bbb and tuchfrau, the Godroach is indeed on Odysseussss's boat as it tangles with the sirens, but you must specify EGGSACTLY where s/he is to win
this game is not so fun when you aren't allowed to guess anymore. 'specially as I now have all the time in the world to think of cockroach infested mythology.
bet i know where it is!
yes, i agree. wanna boycot, itchy?
yes! we can have our own game.
wanna hide it? or shall i?
tied to the mast listening to the sirensong.
but then bbb already guessed that. On deck stuffing herbs in the crew's ears. Or in a crew member's ear haviong hitched a ride in on a herb.
i reckon the godroach is chewing through Odysseus' ropes in the hopes he will get free and drown and end the whole saga early.
(it's hide the cockroach anarchy! no rules! damn the man! etc)
I like your stance itchy. It was after all Itchy's overachievement that inspired me and BBB to such dizzy heights of accuracy and perspicaciousness. She is the wind beneath our feelers!
**le marron cafard est fonde**
u lot are insane!
but the godroach remains calm and enlightened, as she is stuffed headfirst into a crew member's ear (they ran out of tree sap), so can't be corrupted by the sirens' song
therefore TUCHFRAU IS THE WINNER!... again
she also wins a supplementary prize (supplied by gtg) for her line that itchy is 'the wind beneath our feelers'
such a lovely image of itchy huffing and puffing as tf and bbb sail above, shouting out guesses in cockroachic - if only i could draw
that is all i have to say
i think..
yes it is
i have nothing more to say at this time
thangyouverymuch! Come play on my blog...
yay tuchfrau!
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