i even know what it says cos i got FLQ to translate it for me. haha! ta tghutbnd!
brunch at bizarre greasy spoon/diner - very good fun, then pedagogy class, then coffee with MAs then masses of study. developing bizarre injuries ie. ring finger is sore from manipulating the mouse. damn you eebo! (a database of early english manuscripts) i am finding some fascinating stuff, though. who knew???
no it doesn't!
yay! the postal system works!
I'll have live racoon X2 on return home please! one boy one girl... Thnax! they so cute, forget distroying habitat & or environment, not native species, What?... Ever!!!! Also just a warning to stock up on vegimite! forgive me for whats about to come.... Stupid americans!!!! wait there's more stupid americans have banned vegimite in AMERICA it contains to much folate. So before laws cross the border into Can...adia stock up i say!!! Stock up!!!
I know some french....
hey, i'm in the nascent stage of trying to set up one of these blog thingies, and I can't work out how to get my little profile picture onto my main page and the help isn't being very helpful.
i turn to you, as you are both older and wiser than i.
is there some special trick i'm missing?
never mind. i worked it out.
yay! blogs at ten paces!
but maybe this isn't a competition ...
maybe the world can have more than one fabulous blog at a time
or not ...
No pressure, Tigana-land!
(tigana was a japanese warlord - also the name of a student in PNG - fyi)
ooh! that's the best one yet!
no it doesn't what? eh?
yay for postal system! though gauri's package has taken eleven days and counting. . .
totally cool. lubs!
hello sneffy,
do you mind if i seamail it? raccoons ain't light, y'know!
stuuuupid americans! luckily i brought my own stash of vegemite with me (two jars!) and aren't reliant on shops. not that you can buy it here anyway. or not that i've seen. though you can get r.m.williams at a speciality shop in kits. . . .
do you know enough french to read it? or should i translate for you? nah. run it through babelfish. good for ya!
well done, tijuanalizard!
looking forward to seeing blogness. i find help pretty helpful, if you see what i mean . . .
sorry. i replied twice to like five different comments from you. very confusing. feel special.
grotblog! grotblog!
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