*things* make me so happy. ink! pencils! fingerpuppets! mugs! circus tshirts! handknitted scarves! sandalwood soaps! MY DOCS! stupid trousers! glitterglue! masses of picturebooks! dictionaries! thermal underwear! photos!
but maybe i will be an intellectual. . .

ta, bbb! i am v. proud of myself!
eventually i found the number of customs and got someone i could communicate with. ended up forking over $140, not entirley sure what for (customs fee, landing fee and storage??) which i'm a bit snarked off about, but, dammit, it's done now and i have my stuff which makes me happy. couldn't have done it without j (and her car).
although - speakers don't work!!!
my pseudo-canadian accent has gone away again. *phew*
quite possibly dropped. or stored sidewards. or any number of possibilities. should i claim insurance? how would i go about it? and can i be bothered?
the main speaker is okay, it lights up and all, so i think the voltage is fine. it's just when i try and connect the right hand speaker it doesn't work (and the right-hand speaker controlls everything). it did light up once, briefly, when i held the plug in on a funny angle, which suggests a mechanical problem.
haven't chagned any settings.
ta for concern
why would one take glitterglue to the natural founding home of glitterglue?
who can tell, really. i obviously decided it was *essential* to my wellbeing. and it may yet prove to be.
why national founding home of gwittergwue? did i skip that seciton in the lonelyplanet?
i thought i might bundle it up and take it to the mac ppl (they have a place on campus!) and see if i can bribe one of them to have a look. (they are not so helpful). i suspect they will say i ahve to send it to the manufacturers and then what happens cos o/s???
hopefully just the plug.
ooooh, gwittergwue! that is exciting, i do understand. it's hard without "things"!
all my precious belongings are in boxes, and even thought they're all piled up in my loungeroom and it's all still right there, i can't wait until i can unpack it all!
good luck for finding a place for unpacking!
i still haven't actually *used* the gwittergwue. huh.
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