very interesting day today. my inner show-off got a good work out. i passed, or nearly. very interesting to see how people responded. most people didn't recognise me until i spoke, which was fascinating. i got filthy looks in the women's bathrooms so i used the men's, which was also very interesting. taught a tute on sex, gender and sexuality in 'anil's ghost' and used myself as an example of the seperation between sex and gender, which was fun. also interesting to notice that i taught differently, used authority differently. not sure if it's because i was more conscious than usual of myself playing a role or because it was a masculine role. my mature aged student took one look at me and ran out of the room muttering (she came back in a few minutes).
anyway, enough with the self-absorbedness. i recommend genderfuck if you're feeling bored.
also tip o' the nib to spike, for her fabulous and inventive costumes (in oxford) and hughie, for mentioning an excursion to drag kings (in melb). never would've thought of it without ya, guys!

quite a few other people in costume, though nothing like saturday night. there was a row of little kids in fabulous furry costumes sitting watching all the big kids thismorning, and people hauling pumpkins around. the asiancanadian class had a cowboy and a monk in it, as well as j in red sparkly devil horns. and this is one of the witches wandering round campus:

you ride it well.
also, the witch photo is genius.
awesome! thankyou, darlink!
i was quite pleased with that too. the shadow makes it. if only my camera were better at long distance - could be a little sharper. i took this from my office, which is up two floors (or three? it's a massively weird building). i see lots of fun stuff up there when i'm trying to study.
you make a rather attractive man. you look like a shy, sun-deprived academic. which you kind of are, except for the shy part.
ta, dahling. it's cos i'm a pretty boy.
not sure about that last bit. . .
hooray! i think you look fabulous.
i wish there were some way i could go to work or wander around in an incredible costume-y getup of some kind, express an other self. on my way to work today i was contemplating what i would have gone as had i been in a "proper halloween" country, and i decided on a witch, complete with stripey black and white tights, raggedy black skirt, extremely messy hair, and (the piece de resistance) one tooth blacked out.
it is a real pity i/we don't get more opportunities for this sort of thing!
essays going much better now, thanks so much for your comment! have decided, yes, human interaction is 110% necessary for sanity maintenance. am excited about europe so soon - and will hopefully get to see you!! email me places and dates etc and we will try to sync :D should be easy cause i have nothing that fixed in the uk, can travel around heaps.
must stop doing this now and work properly! *intercontinental hugs*
ooh. hallowe'en. and you look so dashing! how exciting. i do miss it! though it was mostly laziness/lack of organisation that stopped me from doing anything for it this year.
btw thank you for the excellent letter! i have sent a reply which should arrive relatively shortly...
hi pum'kin belly, (it's a buffy quote, not an insult)
i think i look fabulous too! ahem, i mean, thankyou!
yeah, it was a really good excuse to muck around. your imaginary witch costume sounds ace.
yay for essays. it will be your turn to be supportive in a couple of weeks! looking forward to it.
ta for cross-hemisphere hugs.
i forgot you would've done halloween - did you dress up? i got my kidlets to say their favourite ever costume for name round and about half the boys said batman. must be a generational thing. . .
you should have a party now anyway! why not? and send me photos. i've enjoyed yr halloween parties. . .
yay letters! did you like the little leaf? hope it wasn't too digressive. it's tricky with the blogness as well. looking forward to yr reply. v. exciting.
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