and this is from when the doog and i were refugees in brunswick after i had that little accident in grotty's car. and those little accidents on my bicycle. . . hah!

i got my students to translate a section from "curious incident" into comic form after we had that tute on how to deconstruct a comic and some of them have done the most fabulous stuff! and i think they really enjoyed it too and learned stuff. i'm so proud of them! (i would put some up but now i feel awful about mocking them online and won't. take my word for the fabulousness)
i, on the other hand, had an entire tutorial where i didn't say a word (except at the very end when we went round and told the story of our names. we had been talking about diaspora and identity and stuff. that was cool.) i'd done all the reading, and some extra, and really liked the book. i'm used to being the loud one.
picking up crate tomorrow *crosses fingers* j is driving and eleanor coming along to help. plans are afoot for an orphans' thanksgiving for this weekend (everyone is amazed to hear that we don't ahve thanksgiving or halloween.) i'm going to investigate tofurkey. have i mentioned how friendly the grad students are???
aww, cute max!
i remember that party. it wasn't a going away, just a dinner with i carusi and i made everyone drink brandy at the end for no good reason.
good times.
hurrah for lovely helping-with-crate friendlies !
was maxie happy?
he looks a bit lonely there - or maybe just contemplating life, the universe and everything - as is his wont
hey girl-who-was-next-door-at-that-point,
yes, i remember the brandy now. ..
heh. good times indeed. damn, i miss that pizza. and max was indeed cute, though the copious vomit was not.
indeed! huzzah! it was like a bizarre roadtrip, with music and samosas and killer traffic. i bought j (who totally needs a name of her own. hmm .. .) a nice cylamen as a thankyou and she liked that. i like giving ppl flowers.
maxie was having the time of his life, grotty! he was a city dog who went ot cafes and played in parks! and all the smells!
you should have seen the dogs at jericho beach! they were having such a nice time. and there were a couple of enormous black poodle-things which were very attractive.
you know you want tofurkey. you *love* it.
I want some tofurky!
I didn't realise you had Max with you when all that happened; - I could have come and picked you both up in my shiny white armoured tank! R & R would have loved to have cousin Max stay with us!
well, actually, jt and i had that as plan b. . . shhh .. .
yes, poor boy got hauled around in all sorts of condiitions. for a while there i had him and bumper bar both stashed in the boot. ha! but he quite liked the city once he got used to it. then there was the vomit. . .
that was an interesting period of my life.
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