today i skived off marking and went to the beach with saf. the views were, of course, stunning, the water not too cold. aaaall good. we were at jericho beach, which kinda reminded me of williamstown. i wanted to add this photo too, because it looks so fake:

so tonight i have to do all my reading, mark another 15 assignments and clean up sundry other pieces of my own academicing. marking is all i have been told it is! the main problem is that we have been given ten minutes per piece. i'm trying to give them useful feedback, cos they actually have to take this proposal and write an essay from it, and giving thoughtful productive feedback takes longer than 10 minutes. on other hand, the longer i spend marking the less time i have to read about renaissance murders, mushroom farming in alberta or lady knights. i found a virtual egg timer on the interweb which squarcks "time to check the tofu scramble!" when ten minutes is up. that's cool.
and this is my "do i look like a local???" photo:

it is my "i'm a canadian!' bottle! everybody has them! now i am hip and fit in!
it's a nalgene waterbottle. very tough plastic and a nice opening and loop. poss good bushwalking toy. you can probably get them in aus, but they are very cool here.
that beach is SO beautiful. were there stingrays ? no beach is complete without stingrays.
my browser did that thing where it was just loading an old version of your blog, and i was wondering why you were so quiet ! but then i hit reload, and voila, two new entries. browser bob is not my friend.
the beach was *so* beautiful. there's just these big fuckoff mountains *everywhere*!
no, no stingrays. stingrays are like these mythic death-beasts here, cos of the steve irwin thing. ppl seem to be under the impression that sharks and stingrays lurk in the shallows waiting to getcha! on the other hand, i saw this big warning sign about coyotes the other day and got a bit freaked out. turns out they only kill small children and old ppl, so that's okay.
browser bob has lived too long!!! (i think auntie berryl and the graduation bear have become special friends. speaking of which, the bear needs a name. a girl name pls)
graduation gertie.
aww. stingrays get a bad rap. but then again i guess so do coyotes. which is what you were just saying. way to recap, gauri.
i love your recapping. in a *special* way.
graduation gertie not even. try again.
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