In 1995, with the introduction of the first Tofurky roast, all that changed. Tofurkey provides a delicious eye-appealing, satisfying centerpiece that is easy to prepare. Whether you are a vegatarian needing something special to birng to a dinner or a cook wanting to find a quick and easy dish to serve your non-meat eating gueats, Tofurky can help bring fun and joy for all at your next feast."

i'm really looking forward to this thanksgiving lark. I feel like i'm really, like, *exploring* canadian culture, y'know??? actually, i cheated on the bubbly. it's australian. i've had a little trouble finding out exactly what thanksgiving is. ppl i ask will tell me it's not american and that you get to eat a lot. which sounds grand but is not particularly informative. luckily my new canadian oxford dictionary knows! thus:
"an annual holiday, originally for giving thanks to God for the sucess of the harvest, clebrated on the second Monday in October."
wow. a whole post on the joys of tofu and dictionaries. i am such a square.
lots of planning for christmas, totally exciting, and lots of study needing to be done. i have a tute pres on tuesday, which is a bit of a big deal, and then my first years hand in their first essay. yaargh! and i bought some brushes today and badly want to get stuck into the ink/watercolour pencils.
Will you involve yourself in Halloween as fully as you are in Thanksgiving? Can't wait to see a photo of your Trick or Treat outfit!!!!
I thought Thanksgiving originated in England, centuries ago.
you betcha! i am planning costumes as we speak! from what i've heard, costumes are very inventive. one doesn't need to stick to the scary at all. i love dress-ups!
really? maybe. canadian dictionary is quiet on the topic. i'll have to look it up in the virtual o.e.d. how good is the virtual oed, btw??? we had a lesson on how to use the library's virtual resources the other day and it has opened my little eyes (partly in horror cos there's no way i have time to take advantage of all it).
Wow, love those pants!!!!
And the hat - that is some hat.
Tofurkey........... waht can one say?
yes, I love the hat too. Would look good under my bike helmet in the winter!!
are they your Salamanca Market pants?
stretching it, bbb! i love these pants too. they are the best dacs ever. i fear they're shattering my 'funky young academic' front though. . .
yes, jt, they're the salamanca pants. i have been telling ppl here that and they say "wow, tasmania, that sounds so exotic", which is all very odd (tasmania exotic??)
the hat is *perfect* for the weather, and kind of fashionable here. it is thermal lined on the inside, oh yes. it's actually from melb - missymojay gave it to me for a going away pres. ta!
one more comment on the strides; - they're very lovely. and the hat is great. and i'd be excited about the dictionary too....
but what i'm really interested in is that box of tofurky. ghys some! i've never seen it before. does it taste as good as it looks on the box?
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