then tonight, there was this:

and this. . .

i am getting the full cultural experience. oh yes. the footy was fun too. there was a big crowd (36'000) who were all very enthusiastic, and it was fun to see a different sport. it's a very stoppy and starty game. the idea is to run a certain distance with the ball before being tackled to the ground. more or less. the intracies are beyond me. and you get points if you disable people at certain times or places on the field. i went with a couple of girls from my grad classes (and TAing), and one of their boyfriends.
this morning i went out to kitsilano and went through lots of fabulous bookshops and got some really good books. it's hard because there's such good stuff and so cheap (relatively). got out to that children's bookshop i'd heard about (fabulous) and found good secondhand bookshops i will trawl through to see if i can get more of my set texts for less. also good food (one shop that sold only cupcakes! with lovely thick icing. it was all pink and there were lots of four-ish girls in there) and some interesting public transport (i'm getting much more confident with it) and positive comments on my (silly) outfit.
that looks like funs.
There is enuf popcorn there to live on for a week, and then you live in the bag afterwards.
FAntastic description of the game! Who was actually playing? was it Canada versus the U S of A?, or maybe just one the teams from the U S of A?
yes, it was funs. interesting funs. . .
yes! that was the extralarge popcorn (there was regular, jumbo and extralarge) and the girl i was with was complaining about how small it was. so odd. apparently food is even bigger in america.
nope, two canadian teams. see new entry.
yes yes, i want to sell my body too - please make me some nice extra cash secret shopping - i love to have fun!!!
is there an age limit?
down with spam!
if it happens again i shall have to install an anti-spam-robot feature! (it is, i suspect, not even *someone* trying to get you to sell yr body, but *something*!)
yeah, yeah, i know that, but i was feeling silly after a long day watching someone breathe
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