Tuesday, September 05, 2006

good things

*trip to grouse mountian. it was grouse! hahahaha. see:


i forgot my camera, sorry. it was kinda a wilderness-themed theme-park, which wasn't exactly what i was expecting, but i saw a grizzly bear and a squirrel and climbed a small mountain and saw a lumberjack show, hwich was *exactly* like the woodchop at man of hte mountain (greendale's annual cultural event) except scripted and done by ham-actors. oh and i got to catch a sea bus and a normal bus and a gondala! a gondala was actually a sort of cable-car, which reminded me of the ones in bolzano (nth italy) except i didn't have grotty clutching my arm and muttering 'we're all going to die'.

*silent black and white sci-fi movie in a park off commerical drve, with a 26 piece orchestra/choir providing the soundtrack and hte conductors using glow-sticks as batons.

*my first tute today. it went well and i had the authority.

*three cuttings/plants from saf. try and make this room less unpleasant.

*long phone calls to the maternal figure and the hardfarmer (and tofu, briefly) with lots of helpful advice and love.


Anonymous said...

-snuggles- you are the best !

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Bears and stuff! Please tell us about the trees, yeah?

xxx love

Anonymous said...

hey dudelet! glad it's all going well and shiny, etc. sounds like so so much fun to be in canada - i wanna be in canada! particularly with all the writing about canada. and australia. but that doesn't make me want to be in australia, particularly! cause i am, already. ANYWAY. hooray for you having the power, and for theme parks, and **gondolas** yeah. i have just started writing my third chapter and i'm supposed to write in two days, says me. (and grace, a bit. it's supposed to be done by monday, so i theoretically have some days up my sleeve, but i don't want to use them. hmm.) wish me luck! i wish you luck! lots of luck going back and forth across the ocean :D

gumtreefid farmer said...


oh, and you're nearly the best too! (ha! lubs!) i hhave put yr card up near my plants (the happy place).

ta for lubly email also.

gumtreefid farmer said...


the bear was huge! i had no idea! i saw this one ear sticking out then it moved its head and i realised the other ear was a good foot away! the two cubs at the place were saved from mother bears killed by cars. like wombats in aus, y'know. . .

trees. . . okay. which trees? there are lots and lots of pine trees and maple trees. the uni is up in forest, which is a bit speccy. i will go look for you. yes. that will be fun!

much hugs

gumtreefid farmer said...


you are so hip. seriously, youse lot should keep a blog. you could post photos of the doog.

sorry we couldn't organise skype. meh.

gumtreefid farmer said...

hey liza,

great to hear from you! glad to hear the thesis is happening. it's painful but you can do it and then it will be over! huzzah! good luck with the third chapter.

um, i think have unrepresented the amount of time spent crying hysterically here. don't be too much with the jealousy.

thankyou for your luck!