oooo, lecturer crush. . .
finally had my first renaissance seminar and had a lovely time. very lively (and spunky) prof, masses of reading to do, lots of good challenges. and again with the drinking after class with the gradkids. the rest of today sucked pus, to use spike's phrase.
yesterday i met up with another ex-pat (*does hand symbol*) from MU and spent a wonderful day wandering the city talking shop and bitching about the coffee. caught the tiny little ferry out to granville island and checked out very beautiful and expensive art work and caught bits of the fringe festival - random graffiti pit with extra funky artists working on huge canvases. it was very good to hang out with an aussie. ta to supervisor for hooking us up. oh and granville island is spectacular, obviously, with a sort of st kilda-ish feel with all the boats, viccy market feel and then the huge mountains. oh the mountains. ta to missymojay for reccomendation. oh and also the gyoza king recomm! yumness!

then i watched four episodes of the xfiles with J+m and hit the van streets at 11pm twitching.
it's wonderful to have so many comments. lubs to you all!
i know it's the heights of wankiness to open commenting on yr own post, but i wanted to say that i didn't take that photo - i swiped it from the web.
i've been too thoroughly trained in academia. . .
no. there is no graf here at all. i'm thinking about starting some, cos that is v. disapointing.
i repeat, don't ever use that disgusting comment again, or i'll be forced to de-blog
what, 'sucks pus'?
didn't take any photos of the ferry, though it was adorable. painted stripey colours! and there was a seal in the harbour just near us, and more of those vicious looking gulls.
Is Frances any relation to Kevin???
Oh, what am I thinking, of course he is....EVERYBODY's related to Kevin!
Crin xxx
rinne, i get it now! the bacon-factor! hilar!
(took me a while, but)
*hand symbol* love!
x pat
x pat
'x pat' hand symbol??
you DAG! *facepalms*
and mmm, gyoza... was s'posed to do dumplings yesterday for dins but for some mysterious reason the place we went to in chinatown was not serving dumplings that particular night. hence the mouth-burning plates of diced chillies, sprinkled with rice and chicken.
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