then long phone convers with the paternal body (communication glut!) and hughie, who i haven't spoken to since i left, and more skype with the gaurox. i feel loved.
then i went to the night market in chinatown with some of hte eng-grad kids, which was quite interesting. it was quite small and there was a stage with a closing ceremony going on, with dancing and signing and comedians (in chinese) and we had some unfamiliar food, which is all good. also a really nice barbequed corn on the cob. mmm. . .
today i got up bright and early (again) and, obeying bbb's injunction to 'get out there and do something', hit the trails by 9am. this despite the warning sign:
Remember this is a Conservation Area. Wildlife can include bears, coyotes, cougars. Beware.
as it happened, the only wildlife i saw were some squirrels, one of which got very cranky with me and sat up a tree squeaking until i went away and left it alone. they'r ekinda like possums except much smaller and quicker.
i saw views like this:

(tell me when you're sick of photos of mountains) and had a lovely long bushwalk through this strange foreign-smelling forest. it was really nice. also the first real exercise i've done in a long time. i think i will repeat again soon. and i sat on a log and meditated.
good plans for today.
So the squirrels aren't as tame as the ones in Hyde Park. They run up your leg if you offer them almonds!!!
We like looking at the photos, so dont stop putting them up
waht are those stickky looking things?
Keep up meditation even on the good days
even the squirrels are like squirrels!
Hi Lian,
As has been said, keep up the photo's we like seeing them. It all sounds beautiful. i'm jealous as i'm sure i'll never get to see the things you have! XOXO
Sorry forgot to say... Keep your eyes peeled for some other natives "MALL RATS"
I agree, don't stop the photos, I'm big on landscapes!!! It's hard to imagine you all the way over there, with so much open space to's very beautiful! And that warning sign would only encourage me to seek out the wildlife, - have you seen any sabre-toothed donkeys yet???
Crin xxx
So the Cougar IS an animal, - I was right! ...Then why did thay guy in the tv ad spend his "waiting-in-line-to-get-to-the-bar" time memorising which drinks he wanted, only to change his mind at the last minute and order "five cougars thanks!"???
Two gin & tonics, two vodka's, and a scotch...
Crin xxx
You're silly Crin. 'cougar' is the way New Zealnders say 'cigar" - the guy was a heavy smoker. Every cool person knows that.
Oh Crip, of course he was!!!
these squirrels aren't tame at all, jt. but then again, i didn't offer them any almonds. and i had some cashews in my bag, too! next time.
i was just wondering about photos of mountains. and more mountains.
the sticky looking things are totem pole/sculpture things from japan. they have a sister city or something. there were topiary cranes as well. v. pretty.
thankyou, anon. i have control over the 'edit post' button! mwahahaha!
hey stef,
i totally did see mall rats! it was terrifying, the ol' mall.
good to see you here! glad you're enjoying the photos. i will try and go somewhere scenic again soon.
ohhh those views are spectacular...!
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