the many old, dusty books i'm working with (cause of asthma? hmm.) and the decoration above my desk, before i take it all down. pretty, huh? if a little grad-student-stereotype.

still working on my medieval essay, going pretty well. nothing else to add. how 'bout that weather?
oh, but i don't think i want to go to america anymore. want to stay in countries with sensible gun laws.
happy moving! moved a bunch of stuff into the study last night, will post pictures when finished. kitten likes the big mirror on the floor.
when do you actually move?
i have about 4 postcards here to send you - lucky i didn't get around to it, now that yr taking them all down
we're all on line together! how sweet!
ooo, let's play scrabble! i'll go set up a board!
yes, don't send postcards until i give you my new address.
i move on sunday, probably. in the process of bribing be-carred friends with wine.
oooo, study! yay!
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