we left york and tofu, despite the cold from hell, drove us to
bowness-on-windemere, with HF navigating. the hardfarmer had organised to rent a little flat, which was lovely. we spent our time in the lake district eating marvellously, working our way through our great stack of books and going on little rambles. very relaxing. the lake district was very pretty.

we went for a lovely walk around
tarn hows (a tarn is a little lake on top of a mountain) and played swallows and amazons.

that's the hardfarmer in the red hat:

HF and i also went for a ferry ride across lake windemere (tofu was crook). we sat up the top for the trip home, which was fabulously cold and fabulously beautiful. i have a vid i'll put up later.

and we had an amble round ambleside too:

i also nicked off to dove cottage (tofu and HF were crook), where william wordsworth and his women lived. here's
another virtual tour. i took an actual tour of the cottage. it was very small and dark. people were smaller back in the day. they had their actual four poster double bed and it was very little. i also whizzed round the attached museum. they had lots of original manuscripts and letters and things. i've seen ol' wordie's ice skates! i'm not a huge wordsworth fan, in itself, but having done that romanticism subject i was keen to see this stuff. the relationship between william and his sister is also interesting. resisted the urge to buy a stuffed albatross (tie-in exhibition about the rime of the ancient mariner).

here's the environs:
Hey Lino
Just read this with Pippi who has come round for a feed. Your pics look fab - love your virtual tours too. Can't wait for your awful vid from the ferry...
aw, it's so purty and misty. sigh. we have just finished another week of horrible heat, with another one the way. blergh. i miss winter and cosy fires.
hello you three! so glad you got to meet up - the expat grapevine of joy! feel my jealousy re. the british museum and the roast veggies. hmph.
i was very impressed with the virtual tours too. the one of yorkminster has history and pictures.
awful vid asap! (let me know if you want any revisions, yeah)
you miss *snow*! it's cold n stuff, and slippy. haven't had a fire.
i miss summer and sunshine and stuff. just starting my eleventh month of autumn/winter. joy.
no, dumbie. i miss aussie, snowless winter, where the days are still ten hours long and one coat is sufficient.
are you crazy? sleet and snow?
still, you haven't been here, experiencing the start of 'the hottest year ever.'
hey, you're online! don't suppose you can skype? though i gotta go to bed soon. nearly 9pm, you know. . .
you can't call me dumbie! how rude! hmmm. . . ten hours of sunlight. . . there was sunshine today, it was very exciting. eleanor and i hung out her window looking at it. and you can totally only wear one coat here! just as long as it's stuffed with down. no, i lie, i only had one coat on today, that nice red one, cos it was a balmy eight degrees. i suspect i've aclimatised. . .
not entirely sure what your crazy/sleet/snow comment is about.
hottest year ever, eeee. thinking of you, babe.
no, at work only. should be home in an hour or so, but then, the internet might not be.
we are but ships in the night. . .
my mother and i did a similar thing when it rained (for about two minutes) on sunday. rain smells nice.
Was total pleasure to pass on some winter warmth, cheer and coffee and to meet lize, whose blog I can not seem to access via the link here - only her profile. Lize?
I am officially sick of winter too. Some snow would be a nice change from low grey skies and mud, but it looks like Britain will have to wait till the ocean currents are sufficiently disrupted by global warming that UK and northern Europe freeze over. But on the bright side, at least I am learning to moan like a Pom, and will get a new visa tomorrow, fingers crossed.
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