very good potluck last night, at anne's place. always meet such interesting ppl at these things.
ran a fun tutorial yesterday morning. i put them in groups and made them pull apart metaphors and overheard one girl saying "i can't believe you can get so much stuff out of one little line!" which was very gratifying.
too much work, haven't done my reading, skeeeevy.
lookit! natural light! new hair!

your skin is looking fabulous
your skin IS looking fabulous.
but how about my *hair*??? ch!
skin is looking wonderous white. i'm a bit scary with no freckles. . .
you look very nicole - pale and interesting
hair pale and interesting too
anyway, i said 'wow' first in response to hair, so don't ch me
the wow was in response to the hair? oh. i'm sorry then.
yes, i thought i looked *exactly* nicole kidman. amazing what twelve months of winter will do for a girl.
Think I'll blow this one up for your shrine in Mate Street!!! Hair AND skin look beautiful. I'd rather be weatherbeaten like me but, if it means I get to stay in the sun!!!
aw, fanks, jt.
gosh, nanny will be seeing much more of me than she ever did when we were in the same country!
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