winifred and her partner hosted cos they have a verandah and a barbeque (and also they are lovely like that) and we had a barbie for australia day! i found out how to webstream the hottest 100, which was kickarse, triple j's hottest 100 being the only australia day tradition i have always observed. at one point they said a big hello to all the expats having parties and we had a little cheer. huzzah! i brought fairy bread cos these poor people have never had it and i felt the need to alleviate this cultural deprivation. it got a mixed response.

it was only a small gathering, but i feel special and loved. i have nice photos of ppl, but can't put them up, so here is the view from winifred and boy's verandah. speccy, huh? they're kind of on the other side of that big river/bay i keep photographing from school.

Sounds fun. I didn't get drunk with aussies in a walkabout pub. I went to a french show at the international mimefestival.
Reckon you could advertise my cockroach game for me to bring in your followers?
well, that's very multicultural and australian of you. good work!
oooo, international mimefest. . . love. . .
advertising done and done. yr account is in the mail.
Well .... I spent Ozzie Day at Steffie's place having beer, barbequed snags and potato salad and listening to the "Tenterfield Saddler" with lovely Irish people (guess who?????) This was the only aussie song available at the time - all the Barnsies still being packed in boxes!!!!! (Thank god!!!!)
bbb and I spent oz day at a "Field and Game" trial, which involved friendly people slingshotting dead pigeons in the air for lovely German Short-haired Pointers to retrieve.
It was an interesting day beside lagoons on the Goulbourn River
yet another aspect of the weirdly diverse land of oz
glad you're all off having a nice time with pigeon-flingers and crazy irishmen!
the bush smell sounds wonderful - i miss it.
i cleaned the oven on Aussie day.
also went drinking at lunchtime on Lygon St and had lovely ice coffee on Brunswick St.
lygon street! i want! i want! my god, do me a favour - take a photo of a coffee at the lygon st food store and post it? i miss that coffee something chronic.
been here far too long - wouldn't know a nice cup of coffee if it bit me on the bum.
um, i mean, glad you had a nice time except for cleaning the oven. that melted cheese on the bottom most definitely wasn't me, by the way. . .
melted cheese?
on the bottom was an thick crust of blackened matter that could've been anything, requiring industrial strength nuclear waste to remove, and a dead, roasted cockroach.
actually, i was just taking a punt about the melted cheese. i never used that oven. the lighting process scared the crud out of me. i think the only thing i made in there was grotty's 50th cake.
roasted cockroach. . . ew. . .
which was divine
you know i get stupidly sentimental every time i go to lygon st foodstore??! i don't know how my lunch companions put up with me ...
what i really wanted to say in this comment was: mmm, fairy bready ...
good! i get stupidly sentimental every time i sink my nose into a "mini latte" at the roma sports bar on commerical.
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